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Document Management System

Document management software for input, output and archiving of documents

A Document Management System (DMS) files all sorts of documents. By central availability of all contract relevant documents an efficient contract management without time-consuming file search is possible anytime.

The DMS working from scanned documents destined for tam-perproof filing, archives all documents such as meeting minutes as PDF files, Excel files, XML files, CAD drawings, etc. Central storage and decentralized access to all documents allows efficient, paperless document management at all times without time-consuming file searches.

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GDPR - Respectful handling or scaremongering

On 25.05.2018, the new EU Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) came into force. Hundreds of articles have already been written about it. Everyone is talking about it, some have already taken action, others are letting it slide. Rarely has the pressure of the threat of fines been...

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Procedure documentation for document management

In many companies, the topic of procedural documentation is not dealt with at all or only very superficially, even though the requirement for procedural documentation is specified in GoBD, BASEL II, SOX as well as ISO 9001 and the maturity model of ISO 90004...

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General Data Protection Regulation

On May 25, 2016, the EU Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO) came into force. The DS-GVO fundamentally reshapes data protection in Germany. Not only is the fine framework increased by a factor of around 60, but the requirements for organization and documentation...

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The Path to Intelligent Information Management

Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer can be declared as the "forefather" of the clear positioning of the term "Enterprise Information Management". Perhaps a little too far ahead 20 years ago, IT not yet at the height of his IT future visions, but instead always with pragmatic expertise,...

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On the way to the paperless office

Approximately 155,000 invoices are received by the University Hospital of Cologne every year. Automation of the processing of incoming invoices and invoice verification was introduced with the introduction of the tangro IM software. 

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Smart documentation

Do you sometimes get the impression that we are bureaucratizing ourselves to death? Then you're not alone. Understandably, we can't do without laws and rules, certainly not in a culture for which freedom and democracy are core values. But the more complex our...

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The LCM Document Management

With the TQG businessApp cloud platform among other things:
  • Document version administration
  • Document full-text search
  • Document recognition and categorization through artificial intelligence
The LCM Document Management
DMS Expert:innen-Team

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