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Here you will find all important news about The Quality Group and our services - always up-to-date for you. Learn more about our company, subscribe to our newsletter or browse through our media library.

(Böblingen/Constance) The Quality Group GmbH (TQG) has once again recognized outstanding student achievements in the field of business law. The "TQG Desi...
After the positive premiere in 2023, we were once again a partner at Austria's largest banking congress, the KURS, to present the benefits of the TQG bus...
(Cologne) Last week, the LEGAL OPERATIONS & next Gen Legal AI CONGRESS 2024, organized by the German Institute for Legal Departments and In-hous...
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Mit diesem epochalen Spruch hat ein einzelner Herr vor mehr als 30 Jahren Geschichte geschrieben. Gut gemeint ging es bei ihm nach hinten los, wie die...

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TQG blickt als Premium Partner und Organisator des DiALOG CLUB ‘22 auf eine erfolgreiche und rundum gelungene Veranstaltung zurück

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Ressourcenengpässe überall. Lieferzeiten utopisch. Preise explodieren. Aufträge werden einfach zurückgegeben. Personal nicht vorhanden. Man könnte...

TQG Newsletter


Do you find digitization as exciting as we do? Which topics do you need to keep in mind? What do you need to keep in mind? Which events are worthwhile?let's find out together! Quarterly with our businessApp platform News, we'll keep an overview together and get fit for the digital future!

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Media library

Some like readable reading, others want a visual presentation of technical facts. Our media library offers you a wide range of information on our digital platform, inspiring digitalization lectures e.g. contract management, LegalTech and company information. Our videos show you short, crisp visualizations that help you to understand us and our work even better.

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Abbildung des EIM Wörterbuches

Now I have the overview in the digitalization jungle!

We have dared again! Our popular acronym dictionary is now in its fourth round! And there is a printed paper work in front of you - despite the digital transformation that we are all committed to. Why paper and not an app? Because we dare. Because despite digitization and speed, some things - good things - can and may have stock. We want to keep the reference book on the desk. We are sticking to our educational offensive to support the digital transformation of society and people.

To the EIM dictionary