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Data Privacy Software

Efficient data protection management for your company

Make data protection compliance the flagship of your organization!
With the TQG businessApp platform® you can manage your data protection company-wide:

​​​​​​​ Exchange with the specialist departments
  Audit-proof documentation​​​​​​​

Automation and standardization of routine processes

Make data protection compliance the flagship of your organization!
With the TQG businessApp cloud platform you can manage your data protection company-wide:
  • Exchange with the specialist departments
  • Audit-proof documentation
  • Conformity with regard to retention periods
  • Automation and standardization of routine processes
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Bild 1: TQG businessApp platform® für Datenschutz (hier ein exemplarisches Dashboard)

What does the GDPR mean for companies?
As mentioned at the beginning, the GDPR regulates the processing of this data. Companies must be able to demonstrate compliance with the principles arising from the GDPR. In return, the regulation rewards risk-minimizing measures taken by companies at various points.
We can help you set up a data protection management system or a data protection organization!

Our data protection software has proven itself many times over with our customers: 
 user-friendly    secure and reliable   proven in practice

Data protection management software -
these are your advantages!

We offer you a user-friendly complete package of data protection management software. Control data protection centrally and obtain consistent and audit-proof documentation. The businessApp assists and links documents that belong together.

With the TQG businessApp cloud platform you have your company's data protection management centrally in one place - everything at a glance in one businessApp!haben Sie das Datenschutzmanagement Ihres Unternehmens zentral an einem Ort - alles auf einen Blick in einer businessApp!

Efficient data protection management: the complete solution for your structure​​​​​​​ 
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Centralized access to templates and thus all data protection-relevant processes always in view
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Workflow-controlled information (such as FAQs) is provided by the data protection department
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Precise instructions save time & money and all important information is digital & clear

Efficient data protection management: the complete solution for your structure

We offer you a user-friendly complete package of data protection management software. Control data protection centrally and obtain consistent and audit-proof documentation. The businessApp assists and links documents that belong together.

Your advantages:

  • No duplicate document maintenance
  • Standardized documentation
  • businessApp is modularly expandable

Overview of the features

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Processing activity
Record all data protection information clearly and keep the register of processing activities structured and centralized in one place.


A core element of data protection is the record of processing activities. We offer a standard workflow for this to make your data protection processes even more efficient: The data protection employee starts the workflow to contact the responsible persons in the specialist departments and ask them to specify processing activities relevant to data protection.

The information follows a pattern, which the data protection employee checks and assigns to the complete directory at the touch of a button.

The simple step-by-step instructions create a uniform basis for all processing activities relating to personal data. By linking the processing activities to files, documents or contracts as required, you can easily track your compliance and are always able to provide information to data subjects and supervisory authorities.

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Technical and organizational measures (TOM)
TOMs are a multifaceted concept and include both technical and organizational protective measures.


Technical and organizational measures are an essential component of data protection that serve to protect personal data from unauthorized access, loss or misuse.

The businessApp platform helps you to implement them easily and efficiently. With the businessApp platform, the TOMs to be taken can be documented comprehensively. The TOMs can be created and managed quickly and conveniently via an input screen. It is also possible to link the TOM to other areas of data protection management, for example to the processing directory or data subject request features.

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Data subject requests
Processing data subject requests quickly and efficiently in accordance with data protection regulations is no problem with customized workflows.


Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation grants data subjects a right to information. This means that as soon as they submit a data subject request to a company, the company must provide a detailed overview of which data of the person making the request has been processed.

In the BusinessApp platform, a workflow guides you through the data subject request. This is based on a form that you make available to your customers, employees or other stakeholders on your website. The data is already pre-structured using the template.

The BusinessApp platform can then automatically document and assign the requests. The data protection employee receives a structured overview of all requests and receives timely reminder e-mails informing them of the processing deadlines for individual requests.

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Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
The more risky and damaging data processing can be for data subjects, the higher the requirements of the GDPR.


With the businessApp platform, you can carry out a GDPR-compliant data protection impact assessment in a simple and structured manner. Technical and organizational measures are an essential component of data protection that serve to protect personal data from unauthorized access, loss or misuse.

With the businessApp platform, the TOMs to be taken can be documented comprehensively. The TOMs can be created and managed quickly and conveniently via an input screen. It is also possible to link the TOM to other areas of data protection management, for example to the processing directory or data subject request features.

Overview of the features

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Processing activity
Record all data protection information clearly and keep the register of processing activities structured and centralized in one place.

More about the processing activity feature

A core element of data protection is the record of processing activities. We offer a standard workflow for this to make your data protection processes even more efficient: The data protection employee starts the workflow to contact the responsible persons in the specialist departments and ask them to specify processing activities relevant to data protection.

The information follows a pattern, which the data protection employee checks and assigns to the complete directory at the touch of a button.

The simple step-by-step instructions create a uniform basis for all processing activities relating to personal data. By linking the processing activities to files, documents or contracts as required, you can easily track your compliance and are always able to provide information to data subjects and supervisory authorities.

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Data subject requests
Process data subject requests quickly and efficiently in accordance with data protection regulations
Is your number of data subject inquiries also so high that you can hardly keep up with the administration? The request workflow makes it easier to process all types of requests quickly, in compliance with data protection regulations and on time.

More about the data subject requests feature

Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation grants data subjects a right to information. This means that as soon as they submit a data subject request to a company, the company must provide a detailed overview of which data of the person making the request has been processed.

In the BusinessApp platform, a workflow guides you through the data subject request. This is based on a form that you make available to your customers, employees or other stakeholders on your website. The data is already pre-structured using the template.

The BusinessApp platform can then automatically document and assign the requests. The data protection employee receives a structured overview of all requests and receives timely reminder e-mails informing them of the processing deadlines for individual requests.

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Technisch-organisatorische Maßnahmen (TOM)
TOM sind ein facettenreiches Konzept und umfassen sowohl technische als auch organisatorische Schutzmaßnahmen. Die businessApp platform hilft Ihnen bei der einfachen und effizienten Umsetzung.

Mehr zu dem Feature Technisch-organisatorische Maßnahmen (TOM)

Technisch-organisatorische Maßnahmen sind eine essenzielle Komponente im Datenschutz, die dazu dienen, personenbezogene Daten vor unerlaubtem Zugriff, Verlust oder Missbrauch zu schützen.

Mit der businessApp platform können die zu ergreifenden TOM übergreifend dokumentiert werden. Die TOM können schnell und praktisch über eine Eingabemaske angelegt und verwaltet werden. Auch eine Verknüpfung der TOM in andere Bereiche des Datenschutzmanagements, beispielsweise zu den Features Verarbeitungsverzeichnis oder Betroffenenanfrage sind beliebig möglich.

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Datenschutzfolgeabschätzung (DSFA)
Je risikoreicher und schadensgeneigter eine Verarbeitung von Daten für Betroffene sein kann, umso höhere Anforderungen stellt die DSGVO an die Anwendung.
Mit der businessApp platform können Sie eine DSGVO-konforme Datenschutzfolgenabschätzung einfach und strukturiert durchführen.

Mehr zu dem Feature Datenschutzfolgeabschätzung (DSFA)

Technisch-organisatorische Maßnahmen sind eine essenzielle Komponente im Datenschutz, die dazu dienen, personenbezogene Daten vor unerlaubtem Zugriff, Verlust oder Missbrauch zu schützen.

Mit der businessApp platform können die zu ergreifenden TOM übergreifend dokumentiert werden. Die TOM können schnell und praktisch über eine Eingabemaske angelegt und verwaltet werden. Auch eine Verknüpfung der TOM in andere Bereiche des Datenschutzmanagements, beispielsweise zu den Features Verarbeitungsverzeichnis oder Betroffenenanfrage sind beliebig möglich.

Webinar Datenschutz

Successfully building a data protection organization through the use of legal tech

Make data protection compliance the flagship of your company! We show you how you can successfully introduce and establish a data protection organization through sound structural and procedural organization as well as clearly defined processes and the use of legal tech.

Sign up here!

Benefit from businessApp data protection in the TQG businessApp cloud platform

Meeting data protection requirements is an investment for you and your company.
Realize YOUR data protection management with the TQG businessApp cloud platform:

For tracking processes

firmly integrated in the TQG businessApp cloud platform

usable in every department, globally available

all procedures at a glance, documented
and archived

Ensuring lawful action in the sense of good corporate governance

Audit security through history management.
All files and processes remain in view.

through efficient data protection management

Resubmissions and Template Management

Documentation based on a firmly established process

Excel and BIRT Reportings are possible

Research with smart-Search

Improving collaboration across the enterprise

Order processing contracts, data protection tasks,
processing activities, processing directory

Management of requests from concerned persons

Increase transparency

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Video: 600 seconds on data protection and legal tech (only available in German language)

600 seconds about... Data protection and legal tech

In less than 10 minutes, you'll learn everything you need to know to successfully build a data protection organization through legal tech!

! There are no excuses - now we're tackling digitization
❓ But how does that work in concrete terms?
❓ What do I need to consider?
❓ What are the risks and dangers if I don't do it?
❓ How do I fill a data protection organization with life?

Violetta Weber (Senior Data Privacy Expert) provided the answers to these questions at the Digital Opening of the 2021 Corporate Counsel Conference.

Checklist for data protection

This is what data protection is all about:
  • Involve the data protection officer more closely, define responsibilities
  • Establish data protection impact assessment/privacy impact assessment as a process
  • Design processes: Reporting obligations in the event of data breaches
  • Design other processes: Data subject rights, information obligations, etc.
  • Document all processes
  • Adapt commissioned data processing (ADV) contracts
  • Review directory of procedures
  • For processors: create new directory of processing activities
  • Set up training schedule
  • Document (have documented) and evaluate technical and organizational measures (TOM), define responsibilities
  • Check effectiveness of TOM, plan penetration tests and information security management
  • If necessary, plan technical implementation of data subject rights - information, data portability, etc.
  • Check forms and consents
  • Adapt privacy policy, adapt web tracking if necessary
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E-learning - raise awareness through employee training

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Employee training and raising their awareness is simply part of common sense data protection. With the TQG businessApp cloud platform (e-learning module), training can be carried out easily and in a structured manner.

Employees who process personal data must be instructed on data protection and information security at regular intervals. Only well-trained employees can recognize potential risks in good time and thus avoid errors and data breaches.

Provide your employees with an online learning platform via the TQG businessApp cloud platform, which is used for the regular training of managers and employees. The TQG businessApp cloud platform supports the audit-proof documentation of training measures. The platform allows you to avoid duplication of work and efficiently implement data protection compliance.


​​​​​​​How is data management regulated?
From personalized advertising to smart homes - data plays a major role in every area of life. It is valuable and must be protected. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) defines the scope and measures to be taken to ensure the secure handling of personal data.

What are the challenges of data protection management?
Data protection is a very important area of law, and company management must ensure compliance with it. Data protection is abstract and difficult to grasp. Personal data can be passed on and still be used at the same time. The right to informational self-determination must also be taken into account.

In order to safeguard this right, certain basic principles must be taken into account. This also applies when artificial intelligence (AI) is used. This is because AI must also be regularly fed with data sets in order to learn; this may also include personal data.

​​​​​​​ What does the GDPR mean for companies?
As mentioned at the beginning, the GDPR regulates the processing of this data. Companies must be able to demonstrate compliance with the principles arising from the GDPR. In return, the regulation rewards risk-minimizing measures taken by companies at various points.
We can help you set up a data protection management system or a data protection organization!

Our data protection software has proven itself many times over with our customers: 
 user-friendly    secure and reliable   proven in practice

Aufbewahrungsfristen Datenschutzkonform managen

Mit der TQG businessApp cloud platform den Datenschutzanforderungen vollumfänglich gerecht werden

Zur Erreichung von stabilen, verlässlichen und DSGVO konformen Arbeitsabläufe bei der Ablage, Verwaltung und Recherche von Informationen gilt es Handlungs-/Umsetzungsthemen zu erarbeiten und integrieren:

Verwaltung und Festlegung von Aufbewahrungsfristenklassen
  • Definition von Aufbewahrungsfristenklassen/Dokumentenklassen in der Stammdatenverwaltung
  • Der jeweiligen Aufbewahrungsfristenklassen sind passenden Aufbewahrungsfristen zugeordnet Beispiel: Kaufmännische Unterlagen mit Aufbewahrungsfrist nach § 257 Abs. 1 HGB (10 Jahre)
Ermittlung von Aufbewahrungsfristen an Vorgangs- / Vertragsakte
  • Automatische Vorbelegung der von Aufbewahrungsfristenklasse/Dokumentenklasse auf Aktenebene: Abhängig von Vertrags- / Aktentyp (bzw. jeweils Kategorie)
  • Alternativ manuelle Zuweisung einer von Aufbewahrungsfristenklasse/Dokumentenklasse
Berechnungslogik der Aufbewahrungsfrist
  • Nach einer konfigurierbaren Zeitspanne (z.B. 12 Monate) nach der letzten Änderung an einem Dokument der Akte wird die Akte zur Aufbewahrung gesperrt
  • Die Aufbewahrungsdauer wird abhängig von der letzten Änderung an den Dokumenten der Akte berechnet
  • Im Bedarfsfall kann eine Akte mit einer "Retention Hold" Markierung ausgestattet werden. In diesem Fall setzt der Ablauf der Aufbewahrungsfrist aus und die Akte bleibt erhalten
  • Änderbarkeit der Zuweisung von Dokumentenklassen kann mit Zugriffsschutz belegt werden
  • Es existiert eine Einzelberechtigung bzgl. "Retention Hold"
  • Administratives Recht: Manuelles Setzen und Aufheben der Sperre einer Akte zur Aufbewahrung
Aktion zum Ende der Aufbewahrungsfrist
  • Standardverhalten: Löschung einschließlich aller Dokumente, Metadaten und der zugehörigen Aktenhistorie
Display und Reporting
  • Anzeige der Aufbewahrungsfristen an Akte / Vertrag und Dokument
  • Report mit allen anstehenden Endterminen laufender Aufbewahrungsfristen (anstehende Löschung)
Management and definition of retention period classes
Determination of retention periods for transaction / contract files
Calculation logic of the retention period
Authorisation control
Action at the end of the retention period
Display and Reporting

Die TQG businessApp cloud platform
 benutzerfreundlich    sicher und zuverlässig    praxiserprobt

How can we help you?

Our team of experienced data privacy experts is looking forward to hearing from you!
