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Digital whistleblower system

The whistleblower system for whistleblowers and informants

The whistleblower system is a confidential communication channel through which possible violations (e.g. legal or ethical violations) can be reported. Misconduct or violations of rules in companies can be reported by employees or external parties. A whistleblower system protects the reporting person(s).

The whistleblower system is an effective tool for countering corruption, fraud, violations of company policies and infringements. It provides employees with a confidential and secure way to raise concerns without fear of reprisal or retaliation. Through the software, companies can be alerted to violations within their operations. This makes it possible to take countermeasures to mitigate or completely avoid damage to the company.

Introduction of a whistleblowing system in your company

Analysis of the regulatory specifics for your company
Implementation of a whistleblowing system tailored precisely to your needs
Provision of training & support during the commissioning and use of the system

Whistleblowers who report a breach digitally or in analog form require special protection, as confidential and personal data is often communicated in a breach report. A whistleblower system protects the reporting person(s) by making this confidential communication channel available.

In addition to reporting through a digital complaint system, violations can also be accepted by phone, email, mail, or in person. The provision of a whistleblower system is a legal requirement for companies in Germany under the Whistleblower Protection Act (depending on the number of employees).

Making your Whistleblowing System a Success

Tips for successful implementation:
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Creating Trust
Employees must have confidence in the internal reporting office. The employer should therefore provide comprehensive information about the reporting office, the confidential treatment of reports received and the protection of whistleblowers
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User Friendliness
Reporting channels must be designed to be as attractive and simple as possible and tailored to the preferences of employees. The whistleblower system should be accessible digitally (IT tool, email) and analog (office, hotline).
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Anonymity and Security
The identity of the whistleblower and the persons or group of persons who are the subject of the report must be protected. Provide maximum security and adaptability for all forms of organization.

The Whistleblowing Process

The whistleblowing process usually takes place in the following successive steps:

  1. Whistleblower(s):  A person(s) observes a violation or is notified of a violation
  2. Violation report:  The person reports a violation. This can take place via various communication channels (via an electronic whistleblowing system, e-mail, post, telephone, in person).
  3. Verification:  The report described is checked for correctness and completeness.
  4. Disclosure:  Based on the review of the violation report, a disclosure is made and appropriate action is taken.
  5. Follow-up actions:  After a disclosure, further details about the violation may emerge (e.g. other persons who have knowledge of the violation or of violations that are related to it). This information must also be followed up.

The whistleblower system of TQG

EU whistleblower compliant
Confidential treatment of each case guaranteed
No maximum limit on the number of violation reports

The technical basis for your whistleblower system
Secured access
Managed cloud in Germany
ISO 27001 certified

Whistleblower system

The whistleblower system for your compliance management platform

Whistleblowing systems are part of compliance and are therefore always part of a compliance management system at best.
The whistleblower system enables companies to critically examine their own internal processes. A positive effect of this can be the reporting of employees, as they now see themselves in the camp that their views are taken seriously by the company and that the company adheres to the compliance guidelines. This makes the whistleblower system particularly suitable for fulfilling the new requirements of the German Supply Chain Compliance Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG).

A whistleblower system can also contribute to the prevention of subsequent negative public opinions or even fines. In this case, a justified report of a violation acts as a warning signal before the case leads to further and more profound consequences in compliance.

The Quality Group - The internal reporting office for your company

We at The Quality Group offer to take over the function of an internal reporting office for you partially or fully. This ensures that every report is handled confidentially, since an external person (not affiliated with the company and known internally) takes care of the case.
We offer you a modular whistleblowing system according to your requirements and wishes.


Price table for your whistleblower system

Companies with up to 249 employees Companies with up to 499 employees Companies with 500 or more employees
Your monthly costs 115 Euro /mth. 155 Euro /mth. 239 Euro /mth.
Establishment of the whistleblower system from 500 Euro from 500 Euro from 500 Euro
Supervision of violation reporting (reporting channel officer)
Supervision of the reporting channel
Classification of the reporting violation
Communication to you
Additional services      
A) Customized design (your company logo, company colors).
B) Training for your employees (online)


The whistleblower system of The Quality Group can be found here:
    Whistleblower system

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Whistleblower System

Who is responsible for offering a whistleblower system?
Which companies are required to provide a whistleblower system?
Who may report a violation in a whistleblower system?
How complex is the implementation of a whistleblower system?
What are the advantages of the TQG GmbH whistleblower system?
How long does it take for The Quality Group to contact me after I have sent the data via the whistleblower form?
Is there a storage obligation for the reports?
In which languages is the whistleblower system offered?

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