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Verleihung des 4. DiALOG-Award „Excellence with EIM“

Hamburg, May 11th, 2017. Today, the 4th DiALOG Award was presented in Hamburg during the DiALOG Expert Forum. The five prizewinners were invited to the award ceremony. As the first-place winner, NÜRNBERBER Versicherung was awarded the seal of "Excellence with EIM" for their project "NOVEM - NÜRNBERGER Online Contract Management".

The DiALOG Award is the prize given for future-oriented structure and user concepts in administrative business processes. The judging panel was looking for structured, overlapping approaches, methods or pieces of work for the long-term measurable success of organizational processes in the context of agilely changing business processes. The judging criteria focused on intelligent solutions or lived concepts in the daily practice of the departments that contribute to a sustainable improvement of the administrative business processes. The focus here is not on IT, but on the quality and lived sustainability of the processes.

High-quality applications from both Germany and abroad were submitted to the jury of experts. After extensive deliberation, the NÜRNBERGER Versicherung insurance company emerged as the winner of the award for their project "NOVEM - NÜRNBERGER Online Contract Management". They, as well as the other prize winners FlixBus, Gemeindeverbund Meereschicht, Rheinische Post Mediengruppe and TÜV Rheinland, were thanked and congratulated for their engagement and excellent submissions.

After the laudation from Prof. Dr. Volker Stich, Managing Director of the FIR eV at RWTH Aachen, Peter J. Schmerler, Managing Director of VOI eV and patron of the event, Steffen Schaar, member of the management team at The Quality Group GmbH and initiator of DiALOG, presented the award winners with their prizes.

 "Once again we were able to choose from a qualified pool of widely varying applications and it certainly wasn’t easy for the jury to reach their final decisions. The applications this year were, as ever, all excellent organizational projects, which all deserve an award and considerable recognition", commented Steffen Schaar. "The ultimately awarded projects have one thing in common: they are all based on the EIM concept. The submitted proposals show that the idea of structured, future-proof processes and projects is gaining in importance in organizational units."

Next year, the 5th DiALOG Award will be presented as part of the DiALOG Expert Forum for Enterprise Information Management, venue from April 25-27, 2018, in Düsseldorf. This year's winners and award winners will present their award-winning projects in the form of workshops and share their experiences, "In order that the ‘Sustainability Award’ remains sustainable", said Steffen Schaar.

Further information and application documents can be found at

DiALOG Award Gewinner 2017 Nürnberger Versicherung