Using the limited time in meetings efficiently
Planning is half the meeting
Jos Bischoff, Managing Director of BCT Deutschland GmbHPublished in: DiALOG - THE MAGAZINE FOR ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT | MARCH 2019
Spending less and more effective time in meetings is easily possible digitally: via online meeting software, participants access all relevant information and documents and can also incorporate agreements and decision paths from past meetings into the current decision-making process.
Digitize, virtualize, professionalize: As simple as the principle sounds, it is often all the more difficult to implement when it comes to meetings. Meetings and conferences are part of everyday business life; they are meaningful and important appointments for coordination and result-oriented decisions. Unfortunately, they are also a real time, cost and nerve saver for all participants. At the same time, it must be ensured that all those present have the same level of knowledge and are provided with the appropriate documents. To this end, true information packages are often sent to the participants in advance by e-mail or post so that they can familiarize themselves and prepare.

A secure and transparent solution that avoids paper clutter is the meeting management tool "Online Meeting" developed by BCT Germany, which can be used to prepare, distribute and follow up information based on deadlines. As an independent component, it can be integrated into an ECM platform via Open APIs or used as a separate system. It is particularly useful in meeting-intensive environments. With it, works councils, management and the like can hold both real and virtual meetings in a structured and thus effective manner at any time. The meeting itself, but also the company processes, are optimized, resources are planned sensibly and the organizational effort is reduced to the essential elements. Only authorized users with appropriate access rights can participate, so Online Meeting provides a secure working environment. Information relevant to the meeting can be digitally linked to the general agenda or to specific agenda items. This includes documents, images and graphics. In addition, a brief summary of the meeting in question and the individual topics can be formulated in advance and made available to the participants. And during the meeting, the software can be used to create digital minutes. This means that all important information can be accessed at any time and from any location without any detours. A paper archive, in which old, possibly handwritten and illegible minutes are stored, is no longer necessary.
Using the past for future decisions
In addition to the benefit of meetings being more structured and inevitably more efficient, long-term transparency plays an important role. For this purpose BCT Germany has integrated the function "Topic specific sorting" into its online meeting tool. It serves the sustainable documentation and follow-up of resolutions and ways of decision making. All milestones, including date and summary, are offered in the form of a timeline: Each agenda item is always related to a specific topic that may have been discussed earlier, albeit in a different context. However, participants can access the agenda - including notes, documents, etc. - as well as track how meetings and their results, for example on a new product, have developed over the long term. Whether it's the linking of current agenda items with topics already discussed or the traceable decision-making process - previous processes always also serve to prepare future agreements.
Meetings are key to success when the valuable and scarce time of participants and decision-makers is used efficiently. Meetings should therefore be well organized and prepared. A transparent and secure solution is the meeting management tool "Online Meeting": The software digitizes and professionalizes meetings. These are stored centrally, can be linked to agenda items and thus provide an essential basis for decisions. Thanks to the option of topic-specific sorting in the form of a timeline, decision paths and results from past meetings can also be incorporated into the current decision-making process. Ad-hoc decisions based on incomplete information are prevented. The software company BCT has been driving the digitalization of the working world for over 30 years with its cross-industry enterprise information management technology. The component-based and connectable solutions of the innovation driver provide users with a transparent and secure exchange of information and significantly more efficient processes. To generate this digital added value for users, BCT relies on close cooperation with its business partners. They use EIM technology to expand their existing product and service portfolio for current and future customers. In addition, the software specialist is also increasingly working with strategic partners and other institutions and organizations with whom it jointly launches new solutions or develops digital and platform-based business models in co-creation. Founded in the Netherlands in 1985, the company has been represented in Germany since 2010 as BCT Deutschland in Aachen under the leadership of Managing Director Jos Bischoff. Including the additional branch in Belgium, a total of around 160 employees work for BCT. Currently, more than 150,000 users in a variety of international companies and organizations from industry and commerce, healthcare, and the service and public sectors work with the software developer's EIM technology. BCT's information security management system.